Name | Comments | Date |
Icon | Class ID | Name | Description | Start Date | End Date | Action |
This page is for teachers to see the list of journeys (subjects) created.
sbj_id | lesson_Id | q_id | No | Journey | Chapter | Activity | Student ID | Name | Score | Max | Answer | Date | Time |
Students attempt lesson quizzes and their answers are listed here with scores. We can check their attempts and help them achieve better results next time.
EventId | Event | User_id | FName | LName | Score | UDate | Status | Action |
ID | Group Name | Score |
ID | Name | Score |
This page shows scores of groups and individuals for a competition event created by teachers.
Icon | Term ID | Name | Description | Start Date | End Date | Action |
This page shows course terms (school terms) that students can purchase. A course term has classes that can be assigned to students. Click on a term to see the list of classes. Click on the student list icon to add/remove students to the term.
Icon | Class ID | Name | Start Date | End Date | Action |
Icon | Class ID | Name | Start Date | End Date | Action |
This page is for teachers to see the list of classes assigned to you.
If you don't see a class, please contact the student service to assign you to the class.
Click on the student icon to see the list of students assigned to the class.
Select | Photo | Enroll ID | Class ID | Std ID | Status | Term | Class | First Name | Last Name | Action |
This page is for teachers or student service to send messages to all students or parents of children who are assigned to the class.
If you do not see a student who should be in the class, contact the student service to assign the student to the class.
Only the students or parents of children who have been assigned to the class can see the message posted here. Note: all students and parents can see the messages you send here.
Name | Comments | Date |
Photo | Enroll ID | Std ID | Student | Parent | Attendance | Action |
This page is view and record attendance of students for the class. To record attendance of a student, click on the check button for the student.
To print a report of class attendance for a set period, select the start and end dates and click the print-report button.
Name | Comments | Date |
Select | Photo | ID | First Name | Last Name | Tel | Action |
Teachers are staff of the school who have been given Teaching Role permission.
Student service can add new teaching staff using company information page.
event_id | Name | Location | SDate | STime | EDate | ETime | Action |
Add events for the journeys you have created.
user_id | Name | Tel | Journey | Action |